Saturday, July 21, 2007

Ok, I haven't written in a couple of days. I am so busy, trying to find a house in Texas and get a loan and get this place ready to show, I haven't had the time. I know I need to MAKE the time, though, so here I am.

We went to see Harry Potter yesterday. Besides the simple fact that Mike enjoyed getting out of the house, it was wasted on him. lol. He didn't like the loudness of it and he didn't understand what was going on in the movie. Of course, he hasn't seen the other movies or read the books, either. But I don't think he got much out of Die Hard, either, and he has seen ALL of those. I think I will have to find a cheaper way to entertain him. lolol!

I found a great house in Texas. It has a huge yard and an above-ground pool, and is perfect. But it is more than I wanted to pay. I will see what the payments on it will be and make a decision then. I do love the house, though. It is a 4-bedroom, has tile everywhere but the bedrooms, and has a huge yard. It is the biggest one around there, in fact. I think that would be great, considering I am used to having 10 acres. But we shall see. We are paying over 900 a month right now, so I think we can swing it. I will be able to get DSL there, so that will give me an extra 40.00 a month, almost, not to mention no food taxes and the kids will get free lunches at school. Plus I won't have to use so much gas, as Wal Mart is right down the street and I would be able to get a job, even if it had to be part time, somewhere around there. I am getting so excited! I pray to the gods that I can get the loan and do this.


Unknown said...

Good for you Keli - very exciting - hope you get the house, too.

Lori1955 said...

Don't forget that this is a buyers market so just offer them what you can afford and hope for the best. I hope you get it.