Saturday, July 14, 2007

Today was good. We went to Tony Tucker's to cash a check so I could go grocery shopping and I was going to talk to Tony about selling Mike's power tools and guns, but he was really busy. I can just call him later.

I have found a perfect house! It's about a half mile from Stacy's, and it is perfect! It has the tile floors I want, plus 4 bedrooms, so the boys can have a room of their own and I can have a room for my computer and Avon stuff. It also has hardwood floors. The twins want to help decorate. lol! They both have really great taste, though, so I guess I will let them. lolol.

Mike had a good day. He still seems to always be looking for something, usually his glasses. He has a regular place to put his watch and glasses, but somehow he always forgets where he puts them. And it usually isn't in the right place. He took the house key down from the hiding place before we went to Texas and now can't remember where he put it. I will have to get his key and have another one made before I lock myself out. He can't seem to remember how to unlock the doors, though, so I don't know if he could open it if I wasn't here or not.


Lori1955 said...

The house sounds great. I love having tile floors. Did you put an offer on it?

Keliga said...

Not yet. My sister is going to go look at it Friday, then I will put an offer on it. They are asking 145,900. I will offer 125 and see what they counter-offer.